Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Clinical guideline for nursing care of central venous catheters in Essay

Clinical guideline for nursing care of central venous catheters in adult intensive care - Essay Example Using pulsating technique, vigorously flush the catheter while maintaining pressure at the end of the flush to avoid reflux (after flushing, continue to hold plunger of syringe while closing clamp on the catheter, then disconnect syringes. For catheters devoid clamps, as the last 0.5-1ml of fluid is flushed, withdraw the syringe) Use antiseptic on site (0.5% chlorhexidine preparation with alcohol or tincture of iodine/ 70% alcohol in case of contra-indication to chlorhexidine) (avoid topical antibiotic ointments or creams on site0 Process applies to PICCs and tunneled catheters. Unless stated by manufacturer, change weekly or when there are signs of blood, cracks, precipitate, leaks, or other defects such as when septum is no longer in contact. (Procedure conducted under aseptic conditions.) Stabilize port with one hand and remove needle with the other and maintain positive pressure while de-accessing by flushing the catheter while withdrawing needle from septum. Dispose of used

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