Monday, August 12, 2019

Healing hospital paradigm Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Healing hospital paradigm - Essay Example Healing hospitals avail a healing culture that aids patients to feel safe and comfortable. For instance, Mercy Gilbert Medical Centre focuses on delivering a healing facility, reinforced by a healing environment and healing culture grounded in three essential elements, namely: a healing physical milieu, the incorporation of work plan and environment, and a tradition of radical loving care. A Healing Physical Environment This concept dwells on healthcare personnel care for patients, in addition to the manner, in which healthcare personnel connect with the patient’s families and other caregivers. This encompasses developing an empathetic, affectionate, and gratifying setting that is calm and stress free. As a result, the loving, calm, and satisfying environment enables the patients and their families to manage tension accompanying their infirmity (Chapman, 2003). Hospitals should promote a serene environment that is free from physical turbulence such as strange sound or dull arr angement of hospital settings. The Integration of Work Design and Technology This element details the combination of work design and technology allows the medical providers to carry out their tasks more proficiently, besides providing confidentiality and security to the patients. The implementation of sophisticated technology aids in facilitating and sustaining a healing environment (Hutchinson, 2011). A Culture of Radical Loving Care This philosophy facilitates and reinforces the healing of patients through an all encompassing orientation that satisfies the patient’s bodily, psychological, and spiritual needs. Healing Hospital Paradigm Relationship to Spirituality Spirituality  infers an individual’s experience of meaning and purpose in life, a sense of association with people and things in the world. Healing is mainly spiritual, intangible, and experiential, comprising of integration of body, mind, and spirit (Puchalski & McSkimming, 2006). The integration avails t he individual with a sense of peace. Spirituality encompasses a belief system centering on intangible elements that convey vitality and meaning to life’s events. Spirituality is one of the significant factors that positively influence a patient’s potential health since the body, mind, and spirit work as one. Individuals are cared for and afforded support for not only their medical well being, but also their emotional and spiritual health. Challenges of Creating a Healing Environment Healthcare personnel mainly  diagnose and treat diseases, and may possess few skills on how to respond to the spiritual side of the patients. Furthermore, ethical practice demands that the physicians refrain from impinging their beliefs on patients. Acting within the boundaries of medical ethics, while responding to the spirituality of patients, may be a significant challenge to healthcare personnel. Similarly, the American culture of religious pluralism provides a broad range of belief s ystems and the physicians may not be expected to comprehend all the beliefs systems and practices of the diverse faith communities. Other challenges reported involve developing strategies to aid healthcare providers to differentiate spiritual care from  excellent customer service. There is a thin line between customer service

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