Monday, August 26, 2019

Native Americans in Oregon 1800 - 1900 Research Paper

Native Americans in Oregon 1800 - 1900 - Research Paper Example Such rebellions led to loss of lives. This state of affairs also culminated into strikes like the ‘Trail of tears’. The results of these were poverty, outbreak of disease and loss of cultures. Following these unwelcoming events, a number of human rights campaigners and leaders such as Chiefs emerged to take up an important role of fighting for the rights of the Native Americans (Moton, pp.473). In 1860, there was a Civil war among self governing civilized tribes inside their territories .This was between those who were not sure who to support and who not to support. Others went to the North and others to the South. During such period, Red Cloud emerged as a Sioux Chief who was directly linked with the plain Native Americans transitions. He was a ferocious combat commander and a political leader, who was brave and fought without fear. He was born of white parents, but raised in the Native lands. He was determined to serve the Native Americans inhabitants homeland from invasion of white people. During this period he led the Native American warfare against the establishment of the Bozeman Trail (Douglas, pp.45). During his leadership, he led the Native Americans in offering resistance against the United States government. He was unwilling to allow the people to suffer from being pushed out of their lands. Under his leadership there were a series of attacks along forts trails, and this effort was one of the most successful offensives that were carried out in Native Nature. He led in the designing of a draft of Fort Lwamia treaty of 1868 that led to the possession of western half of South Dakota. He also opposed the movement of gold seekers and settles to the Black Hills. More so, he led a number of peaceful meetings and negotiations. In the beginning of 1870 an Okmulgan council was formed which was a federated structure to welcome and incorporate Native American protection and elevation from the plains. The

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