Thursday, August 22, 2019

Types of Mythology Worksheet Essay Example for Free

Types of Mythology Worksheet Essay How are knowledge, belief, myth, and religion related to one another and how are they distinct from one another? Use an example from your life or popular culture to explain this relationship. Knowledge is made up of facts, truth, stories, and more. Belief is â€Å"the assertion that something is true without necessary proof, evidence or facts to back it up.† Myth is a fictional story, tends to have a hero or event to justify a social preamble. Religion is a combination of beliefs, and myths that helps draw attention of followers. Myths Directions: Choose two examples for each type of myth and identify the pieces of literature, such as a Shakespeare play, in which the examples are found. Greek Myths Myth 1: Daphne and Apollo Literature it’s found in: Parthenius’s â€Å"Erotica Pathernata† Myth 2: Trojan War Literature it’s found in: Homer’s â€Å"Iliad and the Odyssey† Answer the following questions: Describe Greek myths. Transform the original stories â€Å"from {their} initial frame of referene into another that is more acceptable† (Powell, 2002, p.19) How have the above pieces of literature helped society to understand the universe? It helped us understand that there are truths that are within human reasoning because â€Å"dealing with especially with the soul’s fate after death, but also with the nature of being and of the perfect political order† (Powell, 2002, p. 18-19). Physical Allegory Myths Myth 1: Homer’s Story Literature it’s found in: Iliad (Powell, 2002, p. 19) Myth 2: â€Å"The Contest of Poseidon and Athena† Literature it’s found in: Poseidon Answer the following questions: Describe physical allegory myths. A physical allegory myth is when gods represent a physical element. A good example of this is Hades who controls the underworld, or Poseidon who controls water. According to Powell (2002), â€Å"the mythical conflicts of two gods are the allegorical expression of a basic cosmological principle concerning the opposition of fire and water† (Powell, 2002, p. 19). How have these pieces of literature helped society to understand the universe? It has helped society understand a cultural linkage from the past to today in a philosophical aspect with nature because Powell (2002) stated that â€Å"these physical allegorical interpretations attempted to explain a cultural inheritance from a distant, preliterate past in the light of sophisticated philosophical thought about forces in nature† Historical Allegory Myths Myth 1: Apollo and Hephaestus representing fire Literature it’s found in:† Iliad† Myth 2: Aphrodite representing desire and Hermes representing reason Literature it’s found in: â€Å"Iliad† Answer the following questions: Describe historical allegory myths. Historical allegory myths tend to reveal history other than the science of the origin and the development of what we know about the universe. According to Powell, â€Å"the deification of dead Hellenistic rulers made more plausible the notion that great humans of the past had, with the passage of time, became more than human† (Powell, 2002, p. 22). How have these pieces of literature helped society to understand the universe? It helped us understand how a society can rise against adversities’, nature, and man. In many ways, it enables us to understand people evolved over time. Powell wrote â€Å"Zeus was said to have traveled the earth teaching arts of civilized life, banning such reprehensible religious practices as cannibalism and founding temples† (Powell, 2002, p. 21). Moral Allegory Myths Myth 1: Odysseus hides his treasure in cave of nymphs on Ithaca Literature it’s found in: â€Å"Odyssey† Myth 2: Apollo kills the Greeks with his arrows Literature it’s found in: â€Å"Iliad† Answer the following questions: Describe moral allegory myths. Moral allegory myths are stories that offer advices about bad or good behavior as Powell stated that the moral myths â€Å"give us hints about the moral world beyond† (Powell, 2002, p. 24). This means it allows us to find truths about how people behaved in any stories. How have these pieces of literature helped society to understand the universe? It helped society understand the universe because it helps us see things differently and figure out what is not perfect and what is perfect because according to Powell, â€Å"the material world in which we live, reported to us by our senses, is nonetheless to some extent modeled after the perfect rational world† (Powell, 2002, p. 23) Medieval and Renaissance Myths Myth 1: Song of Solomon Literature it’s found in: The Bible Myth 2: Three sisters representing 4 stages of intoxication – too much wine, the forgetfulness it causes, lust and sheer madness. Literature it’s found in: Story of Liber of Mythologies of Fulgentius (Powell, 2002). Answer the following questions: Describe medieval and Renaissance myths. It is used heavily in classical mythology because in retrospect, there are morals in any classical (traditional) stories but was used in mythological stories. A good example of this would be the bible, according to Powell who wrote, â€Å"the allegorical method whereby moral meanings were drawn from old stories was also applied extensively to the Bible† (Powell, 2002, p. 24). How have these pieces of literature helped society to understand the  universe? It has helped us focus on acceptable oral meanings of nature and the universe. For example, â€Å"Apollo is explained as an allegory for the moral that chastity, like the laurel, remains as cool as a river, and always blooms, but never bears fruit† (Powell, 2022, p. 25). Theories of Enlightenment Myths Myth 1: Man being created by God Literature it’s found in: the Bible Myth 2: Fables Literature it’s found in: â€Å"The Origin of Fables† (Powell, 2002, p. 27) Answer the following questions: Describe theories of Enlightenment myths. Traditional thought, particulary thoughts associated with religious institutions were â€Å"subject to reexamination, usually with a notable lack of sympathy† (Powell, 2002, p. 27); this transition, they were seen as examples of simple, monosyllabic language from previous cultures. How have these pieces of literature helped society to understand the universe? It helped us understand the cultures of many different groups, and the evolutionary development of cultures especially early civilizations to today. References: Powell, B. B. (2002). A short introduction to classical myth. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

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